Where can I purchase FijiKava’s products?

You can find us at and, providing convenient access to our products.

What are the side effects of taking kava regularly?

According to the FAO and WHO's Kava Technical Report 2016, there is limited documented evidence of negative health effects related to traditional moderate consumption of kava.

Anecdotal reports suggest occasional symptoms of lethargy and headaches. The kavalactones in kava induce a relaxing and sedative effect, accompanied by a completely harmless mild numbing sensation in the mouth and tongue when consumed as a beverage.

What is Noble Kava?

Kava falls into two main categories - Noble and Tudei, each possessing distinct characteristics and growing on different islands across the South Pacific. In Fiji, only Noble varieties are cultivated, easily identifiable from their Tudei counterparts, which are often associated with enduring 'hangover-like' effects.

Noble Kava varieties are considered safer compared to Tudei, primarily due to their lower levels of Flavokawain B (FKB), a compound linked to potential liver toxicity. Therefore, the consumption of Noble Kava offers an enjoyable and safer Kava experience.

How long are FijiKava’s Piper Methysticum crops grown before being harvested? Don’t crops need 5 years or more to mature?

The Piper Methysticum crops used in our products are grown for 2 years before harvesting. This is the time when the kavalactone yield reaches its peak. Extending the growth period to 5 years or more is not necessary and does not influence the quality or quantity of our extraction or manufacturing output.

Research conducted on Piper Methysticum shows that the chemotype becomes stable after two years of vegetative growth, and the kavalactone content does not increase beyond this point, but rather fluctuates (Siméoni, Patricia & Lebot, Vincent; 2002). As such, our partner farmers follow this optimal timeline to ensure the best quality Noble Kava.

Isn’t kava banned in Europe?

There was a 17-year ban imposed in Germany for kava products. The ban was lifted in 2015 when two German administrative courts decided that the decision of the regulatory authority to ban kava was inappropriate and even associated with an increased risk due to the higher risk inherent to the therapeutic alternatives (Kuchta, Schmidt, and Nahrsedt; 2015).

The Codex Alimentarius Commission, established with support from the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations and the World Health Organisation (WHO), is developing a Kava regional standard to regulate the Pacific Kava market and bring higher quality, safe and disease-free kava back to the international market.

What regulations are in place around kava quality?

The Fiji Kava Act of 2016 established the Fiji Kava Council to oversee the cultivation, processing, transportation, and marketing of kava. A central tenet of the Act is the prohibition of non-Noble kava varieties for export.
The Vanuatu Kava Act (2002) upholds a similar ban, prohibiting the export of Tudei and other non-Noble kava varieties from Vanuatu, where Tudei Kava constitutes approximately 60% of the kava production.

The Codex Alimentarius Commission, a joint initiative of the FAO and WHO, approved a standard for kava in 2020. The standard outlines guidelines for the growth, harvest, and processing of kava, facilitating fair trade practices and strengthening local economies in the Pacific region where kava is native. This milestone marks the culmination of a process that started in 2004, underscoring the importance of standardizing operations in the kava industry.

Are kava crops destroyed by dieback?

FijiKava has been working with the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) since 2014 on an ‘elite kava project’ that has been co-funded by the Australian Government. The project is developing a rapid propagation system for clean planting material.

Kava dieback is a problem in many countries in the Pacific and has been known to wipe out production. A causal relationship between kava dieback and cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) infection has been demonstrated and testing for CMV provides a means by which ‘clean’ plants can be selected. Virus testing and tissue culture provide an opportunity to develop an effective propagation system for generating ‘clean’ planting material of kava.

This work complements an investment by the Australian Government-funded Pacific Horticulture and Agriculture Market Access (PHAMA) program in defining kava varieties and establishing quality standards.

Where are the crops for FijiKava’s products grown and prepared?

FijiKava has adopted a collaborative approach, partnering with a network of approximately 200 registered and meticulously vetted Fijian farmers. This approach ensures the supply of the highest quality Noble Kava, traditionally cultivated and strictly Fijian.

This transition was a strategic response to adverse weather events and a step towards greater resilience. It allows us to diversify our sourcing and mitigate risks while maintaining our commitment to Fijian traditions and standards.

Do you have sufficient land/crops to meet the demand for FijiKava’s products in Australia?

To meet the increasing demand for our products, FijiKava has partnered with over 200 farms across Fiji. Each farm cultivates 10,000+ Noble Kava crops, and with a yield of 5 tonnes of root per crop, the cumulative output is substantial.

This distributed farming model, combined with other measures to protect against adverse weather conditions, guarantees a consistent and plentiful supply of high-quality kava.

FijiKava's commitment to sustainable farming practices and significant production capacity ensures a steady and ample availability of our exceptional Noble Kava products for years to come.

What extraction method does FijiKava use to extract the kavalactones from Piper Methysticum?

We process freshly harvested kava (green kava) at the Company’s Viti Levu production facility using a water-based extraction method. This method was developed with a research partner, the University of the South Pacific, and delivers a pure, high-quality water extract without the addition of chemicals or other contaminants.

Does kava cause liver damage?

You may have heard some concerns about liver damage connected to kava. However, the real issue here is tied to specific types of kava called Tudei varieties, which have a compound called Flavokawain B (FKB) that's been linked to potential liver toxicity. At FijiKava, you’ll never find us using Tudei Kava. Instead, we use only Noble Kava varieties, which contain much lower levels of this compound, and are much safer overall.

Just make sure you're getting your kava from a reliable source like FijiKava, which uses only Noble Kava and follows strict quality standards.

As with anything, it's always a good idea to stick to the recommended dosage and check with your healthcare provider, especially if you're taking other medications or have health concerns. This helps ensure your kava experience is not only enjoyable, but also safe. Liver damage with Noble Kava is exceedingly rare when used responsibly.

How do you make kava palatable?

Kava's unique earthy flavour can be an acquired taste, but there are definitely ways to make it tastier. Here are a few of our favourite methods:

  1. Mix with Flavourful Liquids: Blending kava with juices like pineapple, mango, or coconut milk can mask its bitter taste. Experiment with different combinations to find your preferred flavour profile.
  2. Use Sweeteners: If the bitterness bothers you, consider adding a natural sweetener like honey, agave or stevia.
  3. Chill It: Serving kava cold can diminish its strong taste. Try refrigerating it or adding ice cubes before drinking.
  4. Blend with Other Herbs or Spices: Mixing kava with spices like ginger or herbs like mint can add new dimensions to the flavour, making it more enjoyable.
  5. Follow with a Chaser: After drinking kava, have a slice of citrus fruit, a bit of ginger or a small snack to cleanse the palate. This is a traditional method used in many kava ceremonies.
  6. Use Kava Products Designed for Taste: Some manufacturers, like FijiKava, offer kava products specially formulated to be more palatable, such as our easy-to-swallow capsules.

By experimenting with these strategies, you can find a way to enjoy kava that suits your taste buds. Remember, the kava experience isn't just about the taste, but also the calming, focused effect it can provide - so it's worth finding a method that works for you.

How much kava can you drink per day?

Whether you're preparing kava using the traditional method or the instant mix, a typical serving size is one teaspoon (2.5g) per 200mL of cold water.

For most individuals, one serving per day should be enough to enjoy kava's effects. Of course, preferences and tolerances can vary, so it's advisable to start with this amount and adjust according to personal needs and comfort.

Always follow the guidelines on the packaging, and consult with a healthcare provider if you have specific questions or concerns. Enjoying kava responsibly ensures a pleasant and safe experience.

When is the optimal time to consume Kava?

Ah, finding the best time to enjoy Kava really boils down to the results you're seeking:

  1. For Relaxation: If you're looking to wind down after a long day, it's best to consume Kava in the evening. It can help calm your mind, making the transition into nighttime smoother.
  2. For Social Interactions: Some people enjoy Kava's sociability-enhancing effects. In this case, taking it before a social gathering or an event can be a good idea.
  3. For Focus: If you're taking a product like Noble Focus, you might find the morning or early afternoon optimal. It can help set a focused tone for your day without the jitters of caffeine.
  4. For Sleep: Products designed to aid sleep, like Noble Sleep, are best taken shortly before bedtime to allow its calming effects to lull you into restful slumber.

Remember, everyone's body reacts slightly differently, so you might need a bit of experimentation to pinpoint your perfect Kava time. Always start with the recommended serving size and adjust as you get to know your body's response. And, as always, if you're ever unsure, checking in with a healthcare professional is a wise move.